10/25/2007 02:02:00 PM

A-Rod: Opt-In or Opt-Out

Posted by Mark McCray |

I just read an article from the New York Daily News reminding the Yankee faithful that now that the World Series has begun so has the countdown to resign Alex Rodriguez.

"Boras has tried to compare Rodriguez's pending free agency to that of Mariano Rivera or Jorge Posada, two free agents who can hit the open market 15 days after the Series. Of course, neither of those players has parts of current deals being paid by another team, although Boras has insisted that the Yankees knew that Rodriguez would become a free agent after four years, rendering the money from Texas a moot point."

"A high-ranking Yankees official called Boras' assessment of the situation "ludicrous," stating that the intention was to have A-Rod play out the entire length of the contract."

Wow. I could not agree more with this "high-ranking" Yankees official. Even though the Yankees have known this would be in issue for the last four years, there is no reason to rush out and offer Alex something they are not prepared to offer. We are not talking about peanuts here, we are talking about millions of dollars. I don't think Boras has ever heard the expression "Only Fools Rush In". The Yankee Fat Cat's know what they are doing. If Alex wants to be a Yankee, the organization will do everything they can to make sure he stays one.


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