10/29/2007 10:23:00 PM

The Evil Empire Strikes Back!

Posted by Anonymous |

Good News Fellow Yankee Fans.....

The New York Yankees took the first step towards the quest for twenty seven today by offering former catcher Joe Girardi the managerial post in the Bronx.

Not only has Girardi been an apprentice to Torre, he has the unique ability to work with young pitchers and is known for his intense work ethic, often working with starting pitchers three hours before game time.

I look forward to sharing my opinions on this blog and contributing what I can. The author of this blog has done an amazing job in a short amount of time and deserves a lot of credit for the excellent product. We as Yankee fans need to unite during this difficult time, when every story seems to be about the beginning of a Red Sox Dynasty. The emergence of young stars such as Kennedy, Chamberlain, Cabrera, Hughes, Tabata, and Horne excite me as much as the Travelling Gnome's (Ellsbury & Pedroia) and the rest of the Red Sox rookies. Pinstripe faithful should keep their heads up. The future is bright.

I will end this first post as I will end all messages here at this blog.

Go Bombers!


Mark McCray said...

Thanks Chris. Your insight will be definitely appreciated by our readers in the future. Go Bombers!! Welcome to the "Blogosphere"

Anonymous said...

I hope this blog site doesn't turn into the Crack House that the Daily News blog site has turned into.
It has become impossible to even attemp to have a conversation about our beloved Yankees without having some maggot Red Sox fan leaving a derogatory or offensive remark about us in general or one of us personally.

Lots of luck Mark with this site and I look forward to visiting here as much as I can.

I love Girardi as our new manager.From what I've read about him he has a bull dog attitude, fast moving analytical mind, and the ability to know when a pitcher is done(even if it's in the first inning) and to take him out and to still give us a chance to win the game.

That alone will be worth at least 10 wins because that is how many I can recall that Torre blew by leaving our starters in for 5 runs too long and taking the wind out of our sail in the second inning.

Mark McCray said...

Thank you for your support. We have a strict no Red Sux policy here at the Bronx Stop, unless it is a respectable and intelligent post/poster. Healthy debate is always welcome because you can never lose a debate being a Yankee fan. That is the privilege, and I do say privilege (something A-Fraud didn't understand), of being a Yankee fan and the hardware that comes along with it. I love Girardi already as well and hopefully Cash will keep his head screwed on right and do everything to keep the pieces that we still have a shot at together. Come back often! Thanks for posting!

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