10/29/2007 10:11:00 PM

Free Agent Market Officially Open For Business

Posted by Mark McCray |

The free agent market is officially open for business tonight with five Yankee players opting to test the value the Yankee's organization will place on them in the open market. Among the three major names Alex Rodriguez, Mariano Rivera, and Jorge Posada- Doug Mientkiewicz and Luis Vizcaino will also opt to test their value.

As far as Mariano and Jorge go, they will be back in pinstripes next year almost 100%. These guys will command a lot of money from the Yankee's but I can't really find anyone that deserve it more than these guys. They have been crucial to the Yankee's for many years now and should continue to assume that role.

As far as Minky and Vizcaino, I honestly do not know what the future holds for them. I would really like to see Minky back at first next year in a platoon system with Andy Phillips and I think that is a very real possibility. I like what Minky brings to the atmosphere of this club. And besides, he still has the ball from the last out of the Red Sux 2004 World Series!!! AMAZING. I think you resign Vizcaino as well. He can be an integral part of the bullpen for a few years to come. I think you resign Minky to a one year deal and Vizcaino to a 2 year contract.

There will be many interesting developments in the days to come so check back often.


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