10/22/2007 11:49:00 PM

Girardi Gets Six Hour Interview

Posted by Mark McCray |

Joe Girardi underwent a six hour interview process today, meeting with every high level official in the Yankee organization. In what could perhaps be a preview of what lies ahead for the Yankees- Girardi made some comments that he knows the Boss wanted to hear.

"I think every managing job is different, because of players and all the parts," Girardi said. "Everyone changes. It's different people and different situations, with different expectations.

"I think every job that you take is different, and I believe that every year is different, because the people are going to change. The idea is still to win a World Series and to win ballgames."

Pay special attention to the last line in that quote. I think all of that together pretty much sums up the feelings of the Boss and the type of person he is looking for.

One concern the media keeps playing up is the fact that Girardi has actually played with Jeter, Pettite, Posada and Rivera. He responded to that question Monday night and I think his answer is exactly correct

"I don't think it's odd, I think the players know what I'm about, and I know what the players are about."

Why would this be a problem for Girardi? First off he was the bench coach just two years ago and like he said in the interview he played with Borowski and then managed him with the Marlins and there were no issues (except he probably freaked out a lot when he put him on the mound).

I definitely like all of the candidates in this race, but I have to say I like Girardi a lot. I really do not see what is wrong with leaving Mattingly as the bench coach and letting Girardi manage. I think that it is exactly what the Yankee's need.

*By the way...that is Girardi in the passenger seat and Cashman driving...couldn't George afford a limo?


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