10/28/2007 10:37:00 AM

Joe Giradi: The Next Great Yankee Skipper?

Posted by Mark McCray |

No one from the Yankee's organization has actually come out and said that Girardi will likely be the next Yankee manager, but all of the signs are pointing in that direction. I think Girardi is a great choice and something tells me that if he gets this job, its been planned for a lot longer than we all realize. To pass on pretty good managerial jobs for the last few years to be a Yes! Network broadcaster hasn't always made a lot of sense to me until now. I think Cash and Girardi had this planned long before the end of the Joe Torre Era.

Look for the announcement possibly by tonight if the Red Sux complete the sweep.


Anonymous said...

The site looks great. You need to let me know what the deal is on the administrator access.

I think you may be right on Girardi.

I guess we will know soon.

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