10/27/2007 04:49:00 PM

A-Rod Set To Get "A-Raise"

Posted by Mark McCray |

As the Yankee's struggle to get a sit down with A-Rod (and his greaseball agent, Scott Boras) it is apparent that they are prepared to make him a pretty attractive offer.

According to Bryan Hoch at Yankees.com:

The club's offer could exceed the $28 million salary that Roger Clemens earned, pro-rated after he joined the club in early June, to make 16 starts and one relief appearance in 2007.

One thing is pretty clear though. The Yank's will pay him 28 or 29 million- but they will not pay him over 30- which is the dollar amount that Boras seems to have set his mind on. However, is Alex really going to leave the Yankee's (the team that every ball player dreams about playing for as a child) for two million more dollars a year? Come on. Alex Rodriguez will be back in 2008. And if you HAVE to pay him 30 million dollars- do it. What is 2 million dollars to the New York Yankee's?


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