10/30/2007 07:09:00 AM

Joe Torre Set To Travel West

Posted by Mark McCray |

Apparently Grady Little is on his way out of L.A. and Joe Torre is on his way there. Reports are indicating that Joe Torre will assume command of the Los Angeles with an announcement coming from Dodger Brass as early as today.

Sources told ESPN The Magazine's Buster Olney that the Dodgers are expected to fire Little:

"Girardi was reportedly Plan A for the Dodgers, while Torre was Plan B. With Girardi's discussions with the Yankees moving ahead into Monday night, the Dodgers may have also changed course."

"The Journal News of Westchester County (N.Y.) reported on Monday night that the Dodgers have decided to fire Little and hire Torre. Other New York and Los Angeles papers reported that such a scenario is likely."

"If Torre is hired, his bench coach in New York, Don Mattingly, would likely move with him to Los Angeles as a coach -- joining the organization that drafted his son, Preston, in 2006."

Good news for Gentleman Joe and Donnie Baseball.


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