10/30/2007 12:36:00 PM

Girardi Begins To Establish Coaching Staff

Posted by Mark McCray |

Joe Girardi has already begun the process of establishing a coaching staff for his new Yankee team. With Joe Torre apparently moving West, the Yankee's are mobilizing in order to retain pieces of last years managerial staff.

An article from the New York Post has reported:

"The Yankees and Girardi have moved swiftly to keep hitting coach Kevin Long, who is expected to sign a rare three-year deal for close to $1 million. The Yankees are also keen on retaining field coordinator Rob Thomson as Girardi's third base or bench coach. Tony Pena, who interviewed for the job Girardi was offered yesterday, also will remain."

*Audio Courtesy of Mark Feinsand and the New York Daily News

Click here to read more on potential bench manager candidate Rob Thomson.


Anonymous said...

good luck with your blog, man. just to let you know, though, it's "The Bronx Stops Here."

No apostrophe at the end of "stops."

Not trying to be nitpicky, just don't want you to look stupid. feel free to delete this post. it's a common error, though.

Mark McCray said...

Thank you for pointing that out! There has been a lot of kinks I have been trying to work out since I just started this project about a week ago. I will fix that up and your comment will stay (I haven't gotten that many yet!) Hope you liked the blog. Come back often. It's only going to get better. Mark

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