10/31/2007 12:57:00 AM

Conference Call Audio

Posted by Mark McCray |

Wow. What a night. I was driving home from a class I am taking at a satellite campus and hit a deer at 50 miles an hour on a rural highway. Fortunately for me I am okay. Unfortunately for the deer and my Ford Explorer, well...let's just say one is in Bambi heaven and the other is being towed to the repair shop. Total bummer. I wanted to post feedback from the conference calls with Hank, Hal, and Cash and also the Joe Girardi and Donnie conference calls but don't have the energy tonight. So instead I will leave you with just the link so that you can download them and check them out for yourselves. Beware the one with Cash, Hank and Hal is 45 minutes long (big mp3 file).

Audio Courtesy of Mark Feinsand and his Blogging the Bombers Weblog.

Sorry to post so late.


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