10/31/2007 01:39:00 PM

Vision's Of Free Agents Returning...

Posted by Mark McCray |

Are dancing through my head. I just read the article on Yankees.com about how if Pettite comes back for the 2008 season that he will only be back with the Yankees. I think we all pretty much understood this from the get-go but Andy makes it even clearer that he has loyalty to these Yankees. He does this with this quote:

"The New York Yankees committed an awful lot of money to me and put it in my hands, gave me a player option and trusted me with that option," Pettitte told KRIV-TV. "It probably wouldn't be real honorable for me not to do anything other than if I shut it down, shut it down or go back and play for the New York Yankees."
As for the other Yank's that Cash and the Royal Family have to worry about- Mariano Rivera and Jorge Posada- I think that we are in a good position to return both. Mariano had a face to face meeting down in Tampa that he actually requested. I think that he wanted confirmation from the Brass that he was indeed wanted there and that the Yankee's realized that he has worked extremely hard for them and that he should be rewarded for that. I agree.
In fact, I do not see what is wrong with overpaying for guy's like Jorge and Mo because we know they want to be there and that they want to retire as Yankee lifers. I think it is good that they declared free agency because the Yankee's should be rewarding these guys for what they have done to help this team in the past.

Posada is one of the most reliable catchers in the game and he had a tremendous season offensively. These guys could smell the World Series this season and I'm sure feel like that without all the injuries and inconsistent rotation they probably would have won it all. Think about it, all we would have had to have done is gone 27-23 in the stretch before May 29th instead of 21-29 to win 100 games this season. A-Fraud was a big help to get to the postseason this year, but unfortunately for him, they do not make postseason viagra. With the solid young pitching we have going right now, and just a little bit more reliability, we will be able to get the job done and I think that Pettite, Mo, and Jorgie all know this. Don't forget in the 2007 season we took 6 of 6 from the Indians and 10 of 18 from the Red Sux. Girardi will in my opinion become even more successful managing this team than even the Great Joe Torre and I look for the 2008 Yankee's to be a much better team than in 2007.

*Disclaimer: This only happens if we can make the right personnel moves by bringing back the free agents and not trading away the farm or even more importantly the players we have now- especially Melkey Cabrera and Chien-Ming Wang. Also, some people will probably laugh at the idea of the Yankee's being even better next year without Alex Rodriguez but like I have said before- as long as Alex Rodriguez has been playing in Major League Baseball, the team that he has played for has never even made it to a World Series game let alone win one while he was on the roster*


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