10/23/2007 10:20:00 AM

Say It Is So, Mo

Posted by Mark McCray |

Rumor has it Mariano Rivera has said that Joe Torre's departure will not affect his decision to play for the Yank's next year. Apparently, the only real deciding factor is the depth of George-o's pockets. Good News.

Bryan Hoch had some interesting comments on his MLBlog Mariano made on Sirius Satellite Radio on a show sponsored by Steiner Sports.

Does he need to know who the next manager is?: “Not really. Not really. I know the Yankees are going to do whatever they think is best for the team. I always respect them for that. The Yankees always have given the opportunity to give us the best everything, the best players, the best coaching staff. They always tried to do that. I don’t think it has to do nothing, with me, in terms of signing with the Yankees.”

On his chances of being a Yankee in '08: “Well, all depends with the Yankees. Definitely they know my feelings. They know how I feel. I let them know the way I felt. They know what they have to do so I don’t worry about it. The ball is in their court and I’m just being patient and waiting patiently.”

On the Yankees not offering an extension in Spring Training: “No, I wasn’t upset. I see it as a business. I don’t know what they thought but they didn’t want to do it at the time. So it was okay for me. I was okay with it.”



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