11/06/2007 12:19:00 PM

Andy, Mo, And Jorgie

Posted by Mark McCray |

It seems like nothing ever comes easy to the Yankees these days. The Yankee faithful are still waiting around for the three key pieces that will allow the team to move forward and look to 2008.

As far as Andy Pettite goes, I am sure he knows how much the Yankee Universe wants him back. Cashman will make this clear, the fans will make this clear, and I can imagine Andy's teammates will make this clear. We should just cross our fingers and give him some time.

As far as Mariano goes, Peter Abraham is reporting on LoHud Yankees that Mo and the Yankees are hopefully going to reach a deal sometime by Friday. The contract offer is supposedly around 3 years, 40 million dollars. If you must go higher, well then you go higher.

Jorgie is the mystery card here. Although, if you think about it it isn't really a mystery what Jorgie is thinking. At 12 million a year, Posada is 8th on the Yankee payroll. Jason Giambi makes all most twice what Jorgie makes. If I were him I would feel a little slighted as well. I mean, Carl Pavano is making only 2 million less a year and has pitched like 4 games for the Yanks. Jorgie is holding out so that he can get paid like the other key players on the New York Yankees. Can you blame him?

I think all the free agents should remember back to the times of Joltin' Joe when it was still about money- but more about the game of baseball. Joe held out from the Yankees because he thought he was worth more, but when it came right down to it the baseball got inside of him and he reconsidered.

In the words of Joltin' Joe Dimaggio himself:

"I kept holding out because I thought. I was right. But as the season approached I began to weaken.

Not because I had changed my mind about what I thought I was entitled to- but because the game gets into your blood.

When the Yankees dropped two out of three in Boston to the Red Sox, I decided that my place was with the club and that money no longer was the first consideration. So I called up the Colonel, and in five minutes everything was straightened out."

Hopefully, along the way our guys read that story and realize their home is in New York City and that once you have baseball in your blood, the best Band-Aid is pinstriped.

In this time of uncertainty, one thing is for sure- we'd be glad to have you back.


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