11/07/2007 11:42:00 PM

Steinbrenner: Not For Miguel

Posted by Mark McCray |

According to Bryan Hoch over on Yankees.com, Hank Steinbrenner has sort of cleared up the status of the availability of our young pitching staff in a trade.

Bryan Hoch writes:

"Down in Florida, the Yankees seem to have taken a stance regarding Miguel Cabrera. Hank Steinbrenner told the AP that the Yankees will not move Phil Hughes, Joba Chamberlain or Ian Kennedy for any package -- even Miguel Cabrera, who had quickly become the heart-throb of the GM meetings. If the Yankees and Cabrera are to meet, it'll take the Marlins' interest in a secondary tier of prospects."

This is very good news. I am glad to hear that Cash and the Royal Family are following through with what they have said about these guys being untouchable. Now I just wish that they would say Melkey is off limits.

Things have been sort of slow recently and I have been pretty busy with school so I am kind of limiting my posts to "Breaking News" type stories and stories that are really important-- so please check back often for updates.


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