11/05/2007 08:34:00 PM

Cashman On Pettite: It's Just A Hunch

Posted by Mark McCray |

Peter Abraham is reporting on the LoHud Yankee's Blog that GM Brian Cashman has a "Good hunch" about Andy Pettite returning next year. Apparently, Mr. Abraham stopped him on the way into a dinner for the GM's and asked him if he had any news. Cashman replied that he didn't at the moment, but to check back later. Abraham then asked about Andy. Here is the conversation that the two had.

“What about Andy Pettitte?” Abraham asked.

“I have a good hunch,” Cashman said with a smile.

“C’mon, give me something,” Abraham shot back.

“It’s just a hunch,” Cashman said.

I hope Andy comes back. The Yankee's need him to anchor that rotation. Let's hope Cashman and Girardi can put the pressure on him to come and help out for another season.


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