11/05/2007 10:59:00 AM

GM Meetings Set To Kick Off

Posted by Mark McCray |

The General Manager's meetings are getting ready to kick off today at around 11:00 in Orlando.

Brian Cashman and his advisers are in attendance- hoping to find some pieces to the puzzle that make sense. Names like Miguel Cabrera, Miguel Tejada, and Joe Crede are definitely going to be thrown around. There are also names like Johan Santana that are going to be thrown around and aggressively pursued. Cashman definitely has some work to do this week and I hope that he can get something done that makes sense.

Scott Boras is also in attendance this week. He is hoping to find a suitor for Rodriguez and supposedly there is a rumor going around that Boras is "surprised" by some of the teams that are interested. Supposedly.

Instant replay will also be a hot-topic. I am not a fan of instant replay, but it will probably be implemented next year, so I guess it will be good for the game


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