11/08/2007 11:37:00 AM

Hank Steinbrenner To Pony Up For Posada, Mo

Posted by Mark McCray |

Finally, what Yankee fan's have been waiting to hear. Hank Steinbrenner has confirmed to the media his intent on having the key remaining free agents back in pinstripes next year.

Steinbrenner commented on the future of Posada and Rivera to the New York Post Wednesday:

"These are going to be substantial offers. We are not going to short-change these guys. I think we have a great chance to get back who we want back. We are going to make it obvious how much we want them, and then, ultimately, it is up to them."

"We are not going to get crazy" in offers to keep Posada and Rivera, Steinbrenner said. But later, he added, "You go to a point of logic. We may even stretch logic to keep them."

"I wonder if our free agents feel we are an organization at the crossroads and can take advantage. They should not feel that way. We have the top-rated farm system in the majors. We are dedicated to winning."

Great to see that Hank understands the importance of these veterans and also the importance of our young farm system. If we stick to this game plan and do everything we can to bring these guys back (which is what I think Cash and the Royal Family really want to do)- watch out for the New York Yankees in 2008. And please remember, Carl Pavano will not be throwing out the first pitch of the season.


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