11/01/2007 02:29:00 PM

Note To Yankee Officials...

Posted by Mark McCray |

Your hopes of winning a World Series next year are all but gone if you do not move quickly and decisively in returning Jorge Posada. Offer him 4 years 55 million and make sure that he understands that he is one of the most integral parts of this team. I read a report today in the New York Daily News that industry sources are basically puzzled at how long it has taken to present Jorge with the deal that would keep him in New York (and in pinstripes I should add). Cashman and the Steinbrenners have to understand that with all the young pitching coming up, they need a guy like Jorge to make them better. Jorge gets all the credit for his hitting, but it is his defense and his ability to call pitches that make young pitchers comfortable on the mound. Quit beating around the bush and sign Jorge, do not let him get away or you will be sick to your stomach for the next 4 or 5 years.

As far as Bobby Abreu goes, what are you waiting for on him! Yes. We do have an overabundance of left-handed hitting. But Bobby is not only a good hitter, he is patient. This guy always seems to find a way onto a base, which is going to be crucial to the strategy we are going to have to employ now that ARod has opted out. And oh yeah, he is a pretty decent outfielder to boot as well. Get moving on him please!

Please Yankee big wigs...do the right thing and resign these ball players or be forced to watch your dreams of being even .500 diminish right before your eyes.


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