11/13/2007 02:08:00 PM

Rivera Deal In The Works

Posted by Mark McCray |

Tyler Kepner at the New York Times is reporting that the Yankees have offered Mariano Rivera a 3 year/$45million dollar contract.

Pretty good chunk of change in my opinion.

I'm also pretty sure i know what is holding Mariano up from signing on that infamous dotted line. With a figure like that, Mariano probably thinks they are kidding. He is probably at the bank right now having the Steinbrenners check verified to insure that it is in fact real and not actually Monopoly money. Do not to worry Yankees fans--when the bank gets back to him and tells him that it is in fact a real check, I am very confident a signature will follow.


Anonymous said...

If anybody has a problem with Mariano new deal it would have been $10 million if Mariano was signed in Spring Traing.

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