11/14/2007 11:12:00 AM

Rodriguez: A-Returner? Deal In Works?

Posted by Mark McCray |

Alex Rodriguez has apparently approached the Yankees about a return to Pinstripes through a third-party--on his own volition. Apparently, sources close to the Yankees are saying that Alex is extremely upset about the way Scott Boras handled this situation and that he is actually in negotiations for a contract around 10 years/$280million. Much lower than the supposed figure of $350million that many are now saying never actually existed.

But just because Alex has reached out to Yankee management, he cannot expect the door to be wide open with the Steinbrenners and Cashman inside waiting- arms ready to embrace him. There are conditions to this. If Rodriguez does in fact want to come back and play for the Yankees there are some things that need to be done first.
1.) Dump Boras.
2.) Make up for the money the Yankees were getting from Texas.
3.) Apologize to Yankees fans, Boston fans, and baseball fans for how you chose to opt-out of the richest contract in sports. It was embarrassing.

Mark Feinsand and Bill Madden have more on this new development:

"Despite all of the back-and-forth posturing between the Yankees and A-Rod' camp, the Daily News learned today that the two sides have been discussing a deal for the past few days to keep the two-time MVP in pinstripes, according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
A high-ranking Yankees source told the Daily News that the team is willing to bring Rodriguez back on a below-market contract, one that would make up for the $21 million subsidy from the Rangers that the Yanks lost when A-Rod opted out of the final three years of his contract.

In addition, the Yankees don't want to deal with Scott Boras, who has been Rodriguez's agent since the slugger was 16 years old."
Now...will Alex Rodriguez actually be willing to dump Boras, take a pay cut, and apologize??? Seems highly unlikely. But it also seems kind of desperate (is he???) Contrary to what I may have written in the last few weeks or so , I am in favor of making any move that allows the Yankees to improve at third base without losing any of the prospects. Will A-Rod be able to do this for the Yankees? Yes. So I have no other option but to hope that this actually does come true. My hands are tied...

Even if it means I have to apologize.

But hey...we all make mistakes...right A-Rod???


Anonymous said...

I have to admit, I am excited about this. If 13 could stay in Pinstripes - I would have no problems.

Go Bombers!

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